Ali Larijani, former chairman of the parliament of Iran, speaks at a press conference after registering as a candidate for the presidential election at the Interior Ministry, in Tehran, Iran May 31, 2024.

Ex-Speaker and Presidential Wannabe Claims Massive Public Support

Sunday, 06/09/2024

Ex-parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani claims to have received over one million messages of support for his application for running for president while he is yet to be approved by the Guardian Council.

The Guardian Council, which has ultimate control over the final list of candidates as approved by the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, will announce the candidates in the coming days. Eighty people have registered for the upcoming snap presidential elections scheduled for June 28 following the sudden death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash last month. 

Turnout is expected to be at a record low as the public remains aware that the decision for the sham elections lies ultimately in the hands of Khamenei.

Hadi Tahan Nazif, spokesperson for the Guardian Council, claimed Sunday: "The voting itself is entirely confidential, and the members do not know each other's votes. Opinions may be expressed during the discussion, and positions of agreement and opposition may become clear, but the members' votes during the voting process remain hidden."


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